Wedge with mouse trap
Wedge with rat trap
The Wedge is a radio transmitter (battery life of more than 5 years) which works with the most common mouse and rat traps. When a trap is triggered it sends a coded radio signal to the Base Station.
Base Stations with a GSM unit send regular heartbeat text messages to ensure the integrity of the monitoring.
The Wedge is suitable for residential and commercial applications, above suspended ceilings, in loft areas, attics, on IT cable trays and in places where staff cannot create false alarms.
The Mini Wedge will work in any external plastic rat box.
Mini Wedge radio transmitter
Smarttrap with Mini Wedge transmitter built into the base of the mouse box
Mini Wedge with two traps in a Killgerm Speed-Break Tunnel
Mini Wedge in the Killgerm AF or Atom Rat Box
The Mini Wedge inside the speed-break tunnel, rat boxes, and in the Smarttrap Mouse Box are very resistant to knocks and bangs and will only transmit if the trap is tripped.
Pull-plate Wedge for use on internal or external cages. Allows live trapping of foxes, squirrels, ferrell cats, pigeons, etc. Works with any trap which has a moving arm.
Pull-plate connected to cage door
Cage door closed and Wedge activated
Mains powered ID Base Station
LED Base Station
The LED Base Station (orange unit) displays a Pest Alert by flashing two LEDs. The ID Base Stations (blue unit) displays the ID number of the Wedge that has tripped.
When the pest technician arrives on-site they power down the ID Base Station and when they power it up again the ID numbers of the Wedges that have tripped are displayed.
The two Base Stations can work as independent units, but if one or more Base Stations (with the same system code) are in radio range of each other they will automatically set up a network. This extends the radio detection range of the Wedge system to accommodate large buildings.
When a Base Station in a network detects a Wedge signal it retransmits the ID number around the network so the ID Base Station in the network can record the ID number of the Wedge that has tripped.
Pest Alerts from a protected building are sent by text message from the GSM Unit that is inside one of the Base Stations (only one GSM Unit is required in a system).
A GSM Unit is a mobile phone without a keyboard and without a display and requires a 2G SIM card. The GSM Unit is programmed by text message.
Pest Alerts and other warning messages are sent from the GSM Unit to the pest technician's mobile phone or the Traptec Dashboard in the cloud.
The Dashboard is where pest control companies can have password-protected access to data on all of their monitored properties including date and time records of pest alerts, heartbeat messages, system reset messages, etc sent from the GSM Units. This data can prove the integrity of the system to an Environmental Health Officer.
The Traptec system can be installed in a large building by one technician, the only configuration required is send one text message to the SIM Card number in the GSM Unit to tell it where to send pest alerts and other messages to.
The Wedge system provides protected buildings with 24/7 protection against rodents with a rodent kill on first contact.
The Wedge allows sites to become non-toxic with no need for rodenticides. And for sites where poison cannot be used, there is no need to install bait boxes with non-toxic biscuits. Non-toxic biscuits only feed the rodents and all the boxes must be checked regularly.
Radio monitoring reduces the number of call-backs and routine visits saving on operational costs, with less labour, less petrol, less parking costs etc and at the same time improving response times.
Less time is required on site also, because the technician only needs to reset the the trap that has tripped with no need to check all the other traps.
Visiting sites are is required when a pest alert text message or email arrives, saving money on visits that only find empty traps.
The biggest cost a pest control company has is it's operational costs, by investing in capital equipment like the Wedge system operational costs are immediately reduced. When the value of the savings of the operational costs exceed the cost of the Traptec equipment then the pest control company is now more profitable.
The working life of the Wedge equipment in more than 25 years and is the best investment a pest control company can make.
Setting up a Wedge installation is quick and simple. The only programming required is to send one text message to the SIM card number in the GSM unit in the Base Station to tell it where to send alert text messages to.
A. To the pest technician's mobile phone
B. To the Traptec website which will record the event with date and time, and send emails to the pest technician and/or to the pest control company.
The radio range between the Wedge and the Base Station is 50 to 70 meters depending on building materials.
Each Wedge has a 2 digit ID number allowing an installation of a system with up to 100 Wedges, where all the Wedges and Base Stations have the same system code. There are 8 system codes available so in a large building additional systems with different system codes can be installed.